Leslie Marie Anderson's Funeral, October 1st 2017

Left-click on a picture to open in full resolution.
*Right-click & select " Save Target As... " to save the picture (in full resolution).
*Assumes the use of Internet Explorer; Mozilla Firefox users Right-click & select " Save Link As... "
*Mac users (w 1 button) click & hold for the contextual menu & select " Save Target As... " (Have not tested this, email admin if this is incorrect).

Program-pg1.JPG Program-pg2.JPG Program-pg3.JPG Obituary-Tribute-pg1.JPG Obituary-Tribute-pg2.JPG IMG_4271-edit.JPG IMG_4272-edit.JPG IMG_4273.JPG IMG_4274.JPG IMG_4275-rotate.JPG IMG_4276.JPG IMG_4277-edit.JPG IMG_4324-edit.JPG IMG_4278-edit.JPG IMG_4279.JPG IMG_4281.JPG IMG_4283.JPG IMG_4285.JPG IMG_4286.JPG IMG_4289-edit.JPG IMG_4290-edit.JPG IMG_4291.JPG IMG_4292-edit.JPG IMG_4293-edit.JPG IMG_4300.JPG IMG_4305.JPG IMG_4306-edit.JPG IMG_4307-rotate.JPG IMG_4308.JPG IMG_4309.JPG IMG_4314.JPG IMG_4316.JPG IMG_4318.JPG IMG_4310-rotate.JPG IMG_4320.JPG IMG_4313.JPG IMG_4321.JPG IMG_4323.JPG

Updated 10/30/2017 9:20 PM CDT
If a picture you downloaded starts with "TN_" you have a thumbnail, not suitable for printing.
These pictures range from 4-18 Megapixels, most are 18 (5184 x 3456 pixels).
The smallest is 4 Megapixels (2500 x 1600 pixels).
If you have problems getting the full resolution-
(best for printing) call me. Regards, Monty.

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Living Leslie